- Ancient Roman Military: Mobilization, Infrastructure, Spoils
- Roman Military History and Reforms
- Organization of the Ancient Roman Military: Units, Structure, Divisions
- Ancient Roman Army
- Roman Legions
- Roman Army Camps
- Soldiers in the Roman Empire: Types, Duties and Rewards
- Life of Roman Soldiers
- Training of Roman Soldiers
- Ancient Roman Weapons
- Ancient Roman Armor
- Roman Battle Preparations and Planning
- Roman Battle Tactics: Strategy, Manuevers, Formations, Sieges
- Triumphs in Ancient Rome
- Ancient Roman Frontier Defenses: Forts, Walls, and Their Purposes
- Roman Military in Britain: Frontiers, Forts, Cultural Diversity and Pubs
- Hadrian’s Wall
- Vindolanda: Roman Soldier Life, Tablets and Letters
- Famous Roman Battles in the Republican Era and Punic Wars
- Famous Battles of the Roman Empire: Actium to Chalons
- Sailors, Ships and the Roman Navy