- Ancient Greek History: Themes, Timelines and Sources
- Geography of Ancient Greece
- Ancient Greek Understanding of Geography and the World
- Ancient Greek Weather, Disasters, Animals and Nature
- Ancient Greek Historians
- Herodotus: His Life, Travels and Histories
- Thucydides: His Life, Observations, the Peloponnesian War
- Prehistoric Greece: Early Evidence of Hominins, Humans and Agriculture
- Early History of the Ancient Greeks: Bronze Age Sites, Indo-Europeans and Dark Ages
- Archaeology in Greece
- Heinrich Schliemann, the Discover of Troy and Mycenae
- Atlantis: Plato, Legends and the Seach for It
- Archaeology, Tools, Methods and Analysis
- Archaeology Dating Methods
- Looting of Archaeological Sites
- Archaeology in the Alexandria Area: Underwater Temples, Cleopatra, Seven Wonders
- Contacts Between the Ancient Greeks and Romans and China
- Ancient Greek and Roman Writers on Traveling by Sea to India
- Ancient Greek Writers and Historians on India and Asia